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Badger Tale: An Unforgettable Mini Cruise


My wife Sandra and I had planned a cruise after she retired. Then she was diagnosed with cancer. Our travel plans were on hold. Our planned cruise didn’t happen because of the need to stay close to medical care. Since I promised my wife a cruise, I started looking for a suitable substitute. My search led me to the SS Badger. It was the perfect trip to fulfill my promise of a cruise while taking in consideration her medical needs.

We arrived in Manitowoc on June 29, 2023 and did local sightseeing along the American Legion Memorial Drive and Spirit of the Rivers on Mariners Trail . The next day we took the Badger to Ludington. We stayed overnight in Ludington and took the Badger back to Manitowoc the next day.

When we arrived at the Badger office everyone there was so polite and helpful. We boarded and soon began our cruise. We enjoyed the food, playing trivia and Badger Bingo and exploring the ship. It was a wonderful and relaxing trip to Ludington. The trip back the next day was just enjoyable with the team trivia with another couple. There was more time to just relax and enjoy our ‘mini cruise’.

When we disembarked back at Manitowoc my wife accidentally dropped her sweater. She thought it was lost for good but called to inquire about it when we got back home to Iowa. Much to her surprise the sweater had been turned the office at Manitowoc. The nice lady there offered to send it back to her and would not accept my wife’s offer to pay. We were overwhelmed with how nice the staff was.

This was June 29, 2023 and was one of the last trips we were able to do together, and I am so glad that it was on the Badger. Thank you for a great cruise.

– Ross Swyter, Britt, Iowa


The Badger cross lake ferry sets sail on May 16, 2025! Reserve your Lake Michigan adventure at; 1-800-841-4243 Mon-Fri 9a-4p ET. #badgerferry

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